What is CECAM?

CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire) promotes fundamental research on advanced computational methods and their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology.

The missions of CECAM include the organization of scientific workshops in emerging areas, advanced schools to train at the graduate and postdoctoral level, workshops on algorithmic and software development, the development of collaborative research projects for Europe and beyond, and the sponsorship of an international visitors program.


Established in 2012, the CECAM-FR-GSO node is hosted at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse  and covers the south west region of France

  • Université Paul Sabatier
  • CNRS INP and INC
  • CEA/DEN Marcoule
  • Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)
  • Université de Bordeaux
Node scientific interests:
  • Theory, methodology and code development, HPC
  • Electronic structure for strongly correlated molecular systems and materials
  • Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
  • Theoretical physics
  • Environmental Chemistry, Astrochemistry, Molecular astrophysics
  • Biophysics and Biochemistry, Bio- and Nano- inspired materials and devices
  • Material Physics, Surfaces, Nanosciences, Nanophysics, Nanomagnetism
  • Control, Optimization, Quantum Information. Cold atom and molecule systems
  • Classical and Quantum Molecular Dynamics. Force Fields and Potentials. Multiscale modelling
  • Statistical mechanics, & hydrodynamics of liquids, melting, glass dynamics, polymers, vesicles, membranes
  • Modellling for the energy sector. Nuclear separative chemistry and environmental problems, Heavy element chemistry, Materials in extreme conditions
  • Applied mathematics for Physics and Engineering